It all started in an elementary school in rural Sweden: a little boy raised his hand and asked if he and his friends could buy the rainforest to protect it. It also started with pacifists in Alabama, Costa Rican farmers, and a tiny golden toad.
Soon, hundreds of thousands of kids across the whole world were working to save the forest on top of a very green mountain. They met presidents, got featured on global magazine covers, won prestigious awards and inspired a whole world to act on biodiversity and climate change.

So, how did it go?

"It is a story that gives inspiration and hope to a new generation of children, and adults, who want to save forests and the world."
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Ive Brissman, Bibliotekstjänst

"The author, who was himself engaged in the rainforest movement as a child, spreads hope in a time of frequent alarming reports."
Anna Liljemalm, Forskning & Framsteg

“I warmly recommend.”
Camilla Thempo, Modern Barndom

"Haraldsson's reportage portrays an as concrete as hopeful example of what is possible when people see opportunities with a sustainable lifestyle and make sure to realize them."
Jenny Byström, Folkbladet

My school got involved a couple of years into the project - in 1989 when the “Children’s Rainforest” was already a global phenomenon. Me and my friends believed that we really could save the world! However, my mom and teacher was suspicious of the seeming simplicity of the project. She brought me to Costa Rica to see if there really was a forest.

One generation later I revisit the original kids and teachers, politicians and conflicts, the neo-colonial attitudes and shady deals - not least in Sweden - and the passionate believers. I read thousands of letters to recreate what happened, I revisit the forests at home and in Costa Rica.

It turns out that while Sweden has forgotten all about the project - and the visions underpinning it - Costa Rica has been steadily on their way to save the planet. Their example is now leading the world - and we former children have a lot to learn.

  • Book: Barnen som ville rädda världen (The children who wanted to save the world), Offside Press.

  • Foreword by Christiana Figueres, UN chief negotiator of the Paris agreement

  • Order the book online here

  • Press coverage about the book here

  • More about book, press images etc here

  • Read related long-form stories in Filter Magazine here and here

  • Release was at the headquarters of The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in Stockholm, on April 20, 2023. More info here

Images below are from the project